I hjave been listeneing to a pod cast by LEon Fontaine, the Senior pastor at Springs church. He runs a ministry called Spirit contemporary, and his teachings help to make sense of the bible in a modern day setting. Literally, he is telling you how I can live an abundant spirit filled life, the life that God has for us, in the environment that I find myeslef in.
this guy so apeals to me. Why? Because he helps me to understand that which is already within me! The Spirit of God.
But he also helps me to understand when I am not going the way that is the best.
Jesus said that we have an abundant life that is available to us, that is the God kind of life of which He (Jesus) is an example of how it is to be lived.
Leon opens his pod cast using the the ancvient hebrew Scriptures – Acts 2v17 :
“‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.